Professionals Pro 11 Test Lab
Complete 11 test lab designed for service professionals. Free, Total and Combined CI, Br, Iodine, pH, Acid Demand, Total Alkalinity, Water Hardness and Cyanuric Acid. Handy red tote box contains complete instructions, solutions and tests. Pro-Design Test Cell features CI range to 10ppm and meets recommended industry standards.
Item # | model | DESCRIPTION | Carton Qty. | Carton Wt. (Lbs) |
Item # R151226 | model 79 | DESCRIPTION Determine parts per million of Cyanuric Acid, test vial designed for positive readout, 8 oz. reagent, instructions in Styrene box with clear top | Carton Qty. 6 | Carton Wt. (Lbs) 8 |
Item # R151716 | model PRO 11 | DESCRIPTION Professional Test Lab | Carton Qty. 6 | Carton Wt. (Lbs) 13 |
Item # R151306 | model 1300 | DESCRIPTION Indicates ppm of alkalinity, test vial, 1 oz. No. 3, 1/2 oz. No. 4, No. 5, blue compact box with instructions | Carton Qty. 24 | Carton Wt. (Lbs) 12 |
Item # R151276 | model 1200 | DESCRIPTION Total Water Hardness Test Kit, total Hardness is ppm or grains, test vial, 1/2 oz. No. 6, 1 oz. No. 7 and instructions, compact box | Carton Qty. 24 | Carton Wt. (Lbs) 11 |