1. 5 Micron Prefilter System
The prefilter system reduces debris, sand, silt and sediment in the water supply down to 5 microns (imagine 20 times smaller than a human hair) in size. The prefilter helps protect plumbing and water-using appliances from excess sediment, increasing their effectiveness. With average use, the prefilter will last approximately 6-9 months before needing replacement.
2. Carbon Filtration
Occurs when water passes through the media tank that is filled with activated carbon media. This reduces chlorine in a chemical reaction that oxidizes the carbon surface. It reduces the chlorine taste and odor from the water, delivering fresh water to the home. The carbon media will need to be cleaned and reactivated on a regular basis through engaging the backwash cycle.
Occurs when water passes through the mineral tank where positively-charged calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged with sodium onto the negatively-charged resin beads. The calcium and magnesium are retained on the media within the resin tank while the remainder of the water with sodium ions flows into the home, resulting in softened water. Eventually, all sodium ions are exchanged with the magnesium and calcium and the resin beads fill with calcium and magnesium and need to be regenerated.
The mineral tank is recharged with sodium from the brine tank solution and displaces calcium and magnesium, which is flushed down the drain during the backwashing phase.
5. Backwashing
At the end of the regeneration process, this stage is a final removal of the hardness ions and dirt that have accumulated in the mineral tank and flushes to the drain.
6. Rinse
The mineral tank is rinsed with fresh water and loads the brine tank so that it is ready for the next softening cycle.
7. Controller
Backwashing cycles are controlled by the electronic meter on the top of the system’s tank. The backwash cycle can be set to a specified number of days or as the electronic head recognizes that a certain amount of water has been used.